Martyr Mohebbat Ali Mahmoudi
Martyr Mohebbat Ali Mahmoudi
(The former Imam of Sahibul Zaman Mosque)
Mohebbat Ali mahmoudi was born in Mianeh County on 1948 and was bred among a religious family and finished his primary school in his birthplace. After completetion of this level, started to learn Quran and Islamic sciences and immigrated to Tehran with his family. He worked in Minoo and ITC companies of Tehran while he was studying in the Seminary of Rey at the same time. He was succeed to show his competency and excellence in passing the elementary subjects of seminary and could become clergy in holy city of Qom. He participated in political movement since the appearance of first symptoms of protests wave against Pahlavi regime and its oppressions. He continued his way after victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran as clergy in mosques to enlighten the people minds. He believed to Quran teaching in mosque along membership in Basij and the First aids National Movement. He started his pure coordination with construction Basij to build the trench in frontiers and finally was martyred in Saqez military zone on 1988 when he went for the second time to frontiers and was buried in Behesht-e-Zahra Cemetery of Tehran.
Some words of his testator:
‘’God, please place me beside of the first martyrs of Islam (Ohod & Karbala) and sacrifice my life in the way of Islam victory and leadership of Imam Khomeini and destroy the roots of oppression in order to achieve the Islamic and Quran holy rules’’